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IELTS in Faisalabad - Faisalabad
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Item details
Faisalabad, Punjab
Offer type:
Rs 19,700
Item description
English Council is an institution that works on human instinct. IELTS Preperetion Commen institutions teach English through books and let the students score the band themselve.Already genius students get good bands but normal students scores between 4.5 or 5 band. English Council is committed to devep students beyond teaching.Its develps the capabilities and senses of students related to LISTENING READING, WRITING, SPEKING.When students brain starts processing English as easily as any mother language then the doors for glorious future open for that student. IELTS is the test of capabilities not the books IELTS Listening, so for the future of the students ''English Council'' drag the students out of the books and train their instincts of understanding English by parcticing sense of listening, students got trained so well that they start understanding the most ambiguous words of English pronounced by any one. Then IELTS listening become cake for them. not only listening material is taught but also live news and movies are shown songs English speeches and English Nasheeds are taught. by listening those vocalists capabilities to undersdand different accent... IELTS Reading: mostly students feel it extremely difficult because the vocabulary lavel is found international.The meaning of particular word used by british writer shows diffrent sense as the students have studied in local books. They got confused what impression should they follow. lack of vovocabulary and unawareness with the perfect use of word erects barriers in getting good bands. English Council improves the students vocabulary from latest national and international new journals upto 2000 words of modern.English.Then students work as teacher and write question paper for other based on that particular news article.after few days parctice student understans the sense of question setters and respond efficiently. IELTS Writing: Students are lacking in ideas. After few lines their become blank or they start repeating ideas.In essay Writing "you know repetition kills" How can they prove themselves at international levels? Because mostly they have scattered ideas. Only 20 minutes lecture is the remedy.Ideas inculcation practice is important. So in that lecture student's brain are organized and disciplined to produce lot of ideas separately under number of headings. They become capable of writing more than 35 different headings when will they write 5 to 7 lines for every sort of idea.just imagine the strength of the attempt. IELTS Speaking: Before speaking any sentence our students think in URDU then their brains start translating those ideas into ENGLISH. their brain entangle in organizing SUBJECT, VERB, OBJECT etcand if they become successful in fabrication of sentense then before speaking they get shaky and feel don't sure about the grammar and pronunciation. But when british or American speak. they don't know the Urdu of those sentence.Because they think in English. Similarly ENGLISH COUNCIL switches the brain of students in English.Their brain start "THINKING IN ENGLISH" and fabricating the sentence in English and faward that to tongue.Students feel it as easy as speaking of urdu. The barriers between brain and tongue are broken.Data flows directly to to the tongue and students speak fluently.Students get improved bands. Pronunciation: Adequate pronunciation of words helps to depict good impression and revels our talents to examiners.In the institutions teachers teach how to speak the word in this way the flaws in teacher's accent transfer to the students. Then they can't cross the voice barrier erected by the teachers. English Council uses foreign softwear that pronounce the word then students follow and speak those words, after 10 practices students speak that particular word in the mike, software records that voice and matches with the original accent then show results ultimately students possess genuine accent with in only 7 days. IELTS & interview practices: students become terrified and start shivering in the interview because they had no proper training of appearing in the interview.Particularly while waiting for their turn there brains feel pressure and tensed.Such students can't score great. English Council train the students by providing real time interview parctcies.How to dress up. How to enter. How to greet. Possible and expected questions and how answer. What should be behaviour of candidate. how to speak politely.How to understand the questions and how to answer elegantly with great precision.